administrative area

英 [ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv ˈeəriə] 美 [ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtɪv ˈeriə]




  1. But with only the comment block, it will be displayed in WordPress's Plugins administrative area.
  2. We passed through the administrative area where a half-dozen Brooklyn designer types were fulfilling orders out to the factory floor where nine machines are up and running so far.
  3. Located at the heart of the most important administrative area, Chongqing Jinke Grand Hotel is an ecological paradise of garden hotel.
  4. RAIS is an important part of NIS, administrative area economy has become a bottleneck factor in the process of building a harmonious society and coordinated developing regions.
  5. The municipal education department shall take charge of the privately-run education work in the administrative area of this Municipality.
  6. Article 29 A representative office can change its office location within the same administrative area it resides only.
  7. The people's governments of districts and counties shall take charge of the IPRs protection during exhibitions within their respective administrative area.
  8. Transferring solid waste out of the administrative area of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for storage and treatment without authorization. Metastatic cells shown to arise from pre-existing subpopulations in primary tumors.
  9. There shall be an appropriate number of deputies elected from the minority nationalities in each administrative area.
  10. Because the agglomeration and diffusion are the cross administrative division, urban-rural integrated development should also in the urban agglomerations rather than just in the administrative area.
  11. Seizing the opportunity of the large-scale development of Western china, and breaking the restriction of administrative area, foster tap enterprises and combine tea industry of this area, which is significant to develop China large-scale tea industry.
  12. Reform of the Marriage System in Central-South Administrative Area in the Early Days of New China
  13. "Licensed Territory" means the PRC, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Area and the Macao Special Administrative Area.
  14. These Procedures shall apply to the planning, construction, use and maintenance of civil defense projects and related management activity thereof in this Municipality's administrative area.
  15. These Procedures apply to the acts of operation and the relevant management activities of the exhibition in the administrative area of this Municipality.
  16. The name of a businessperson consists sequentially of the following: name of the administrative area, business name, features of the trade or operation, and type of organization.
  17. Significance and Strategy of Development of Hi-Tech Industries in Hongkong Special Administrative Area after 1997
  18. Hierarchical diffusion of Protestants launched on the level of population, of transport node and of administrative area, especially for the foremost two.
  19. On the Adjustment of Administrative Area in Nantong and Integrated Strategic Development of Counties and the City
  20. There is no need for its establishment when there already exists a people-run non-enterprise unit with identical or similar business scope within the same administrative area;
  21. Local people's governments organize and execute national defense mobilization within its administrative area in accordance with relevant principles, policies, laws and regulations.
  22. The bulk of the Chinese cities belong to the wide territory administrative area, of which cities and rural areas are governed together.
  23. Each district or county shall have at least one separate hospital or clinic of traditional Chinese medicine established by the government within its administrative area.
  24. Torba, a modern village in the administrative area of the Bodrum Municipality, is a small but notable tourist resort.
  25. This pumping station is responsible for periodic checks of pumps in its administrative area.
  26. Other regulations, which need to be implemented in the administrative area of this city.
  27. Study on Models for Urban Growth in the Inter-border Administrative Area Association with Acceleration of Urbanization
  28. Studies on Channels and Structure of Fund Raising by Rural Individual Peasants in Central-South Administrative Area in the Early Years of New China
  29. The main entrance to the building is through a gardened atrium that groups around it the way of access, the administrative area and the dining room of the centre.
  30. Relationship between economic area and administrative area in logistics plan;